Friday, March 6, 2015

Module 8: Isarithmic Mapping

For this weeks lab assignment, we focused on Isarithmic maps. Isarithmic maps display smooth continuous data using varying symbology and interpolation methods. These maps are usually used to display climate data.This particular map utilizes the PRISM interpolation method, which considers major physiographic influences on climate patterns when interpolating data. In these maps, the PRISM interpolation method takes into account the DEM (digital elevation model) for Washington state (since precipitation is effected by elevation). I  used this data to create two maps, each with different symbology: one continuous tone isarithmic map and one hypsometric tone isarithmic map. For both maps I incorporated the hillshade effect in order to incorporate relief into the display. The first map, the continuous tone map, shows the values for average annual precipitation for Washington state using smooth stretched symbology. The second map, the hypsometric tint map, uses classified symbology with the data divided into 10 classes. 

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