Friday, March 6, 2015

Module 7: Data Search Lab

For this weeks lab, we were each assigned a county in the state of Florida to map. I was assigned Broward county. I used ArcMap software to create three maps containing the required data for this assignment. I downloaded the majority of the data I used in these maps from the FGDL website and I got the DOQQ data from the LABINS website. In the first map, I included the county boundary, cities, major roads, surface water and public land. This map was the easiest to create. I used the Clip tool to make the new layers that I downloaded to the data frame fit within the boundary for Broward county. The next map I created shows the invasive species and conservation areas for Borward county. I created this map in a similar way to the first map. The final map that I created shows a DOQQ (Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quad) image for a quad in Broward county, as well as the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) for Broward county. This final map was definitely the most difficult to create. It was hard for me to work with the data that I downloaded from the LABINS website. In addition, I struggled a little with displaying the DEM using the appropriate symbology. It took me the longest to create the final map but I definitely learned a lot in the process and I know that I have a lot more to learn in the future.

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