Thursday, February 12, 2015

Module 5: Projections - Part I

This week in Intro to GIS, we focused on learning about some of the different types of map projections and how to work with projections in ArcMap. For the lab, we used ArcMap software to create a single map that showcases three different projections (on three different data frames) of the state of Florida: Albers, UTM Zone 16, and State Plane N. Included on each projection on the map is the square mileage of 4 different Florida counties to demonstrate the difference between the projections. This lab exercise gave me the chance to explore how I can work with different projections in ArcMap. I was able to visually compare different projections of the same area side by side to get a better understanding of how how each projection is different. I learned that even if my data set has multiple layers with different projections, I can still work with the layers to create a map for visual effect. However, this feature has a downfall in that the resulting map won't be as reliable for any in depth analysis as a map that has layers with the same projection.  To solve this kind of problem, I learned how to use the Project tool to change the coordinate system or projection of a data set.

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