Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Module 5 - Spatial Statistics

For this week's lab, we went through the ESRI Virtual Campus Training to learn about spatial analysis. Specifically, we learned about different tools we can use to perform some spacial analysis and how to choose those tools. This map is the result of the Median Center, Mean Center, and Directional Distribution tools in ArcMap applied to a map of weather monitoring stations in Western Europe. These tools were very easy to use, especially given the detailed instructions provided by the ESRI Virtual Training Campus's module "Exploring Spatial Patterns in Your Data Using ArcGIS". As you can see, the Mean Center and Median Center of this map are very close together, meaning that the values on this map are neither too clustered nor too dispersed. The distribution of data points on this map is pretty regular. In addition, the ellipse shows us that a decent sized portion of the data falls within one standard deviation of the mean center and that the orientation of these data points is approximately East-West.

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